The Rebuild Compass - Georgia Clare is, well, it’s me! It’s me sharing everything that has helped me go from rock bottom, lost and heartbroken to where I am today, happy, fulfilled, loving and living life to the fullest.

Why a newsletter and why now? Well as someone once said “If not now when?” and if not me, who? There is no better feeling than when you have discovered something that has changed your life in wonderful ways, than to be able to share it with someone else and see it change their life too. I share the healing tools I have discovered and suggest easy ways to use them in everyday life. Every Monday I write about things that have inspired me that week in the hope that you will be inspired too. I want this to be a place where we can share and help each other grow. A place for support and encouragement, because who doesn’t need that?!

Whether you choose a free or paid subscription, I hope you’ll join me.

Free subscribers have access to

  • My Monday Newsletter

  • Mid-week post on healing and growth

  • My Complete Inner Peace Toolkit: Meditations, Affirmations, and Journaling for Calm

  • Occasional meditations on my podcast

Paid subscribers receive all free content plus 

  • My eternal gratitude because being a paid subscriber means you’re directly supporting me and my work

  • All Guided Meditations on my podcast

  • Free access to my 21 Days to Mindful Living course

  • My book The Synergy Game serialised here in unedited form or a digital copy if you’d like one.

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Here’s why you should subscribe:

First you know how annoying it is when you read a great article that offers real help and is exactly what you need, but then you forget which Substack it is so you lose it forever?!

Second, I offer help and guidance and share what has really helped me and others to rebuild their lives. I only talk about what actually works!

And finally, if you’re still not sure have a look below at what your fellow Substackers are saying:

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You get the full benefit of all that is The Rebuild Compass, access to content on my website and the community that we are building here.

You help to support my work which means that I can reach more people with what I do.

You help me so I can continue to help others.

I have learned so many things that have transformed my life and my mission now is to share it with as many people as I possibly can.

About Me

Everything I write about is what has helped me.

Easy proven methods that took me from being completely broken and lost after the breakup of my 34-year marriage to finding joy and happiness again in my daily life.

To finding my purpose again and my why.

To creating a new life for myself and achieving what I thought was impossible.

I am a survivor of childhood abuse and at 49 years old I left a community and faith that cost me friends and family. I’ve navigated these challenges so that I have been able to find a sense of deep peace and happiness and I want to share how I’ve done that.

Subscribe to The Rebuild Compass

I am here to walk beside you on your healing path until you are strong enough to walk alone.


How I rebuilt my life in my 50s. Sharing my proven methods that help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Author of The Synergy Game.