Oh Georgia, there are so many layers and dimensions to this sort of heartbreak. Please treat yourself with the utmost love and care - and zero judgement for any anger or sadness. Thank you for this vulnerable share about your loss, which you have articulated so well. I am sure your words will bring comfort to others - and I hope also to yourself. A big virtual hug, Phoebe šŸ’œ

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Phoebe, thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words. There are so many emotions and Iā€™m trying to just accept them all and take each day as it comes. šŸ’•šŸŖ·šŸ’•

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Thanks Georgia for sharing this. You are absolutely right that others can benefit so much from your honesty and vulnerability. If you can make it, so can they. I bow to your resilience and love. All the very best.

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Thank you for your lovely comment and encouragement Ian. šŸ’•

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Hi Clare

I love your honesty and vulnerability. The point about treating yourself like you were one of your daughters is exceptional.

If we could always treat her selves like somebody, we love how different the world would be for everybody

Best wishes to you

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Thank you. Yes, it was good advice. You are right, the world would be so different, but we can make a start :)

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Lovely I like it

Regarding to the second point it is ok to accept the day as it comes but if it comes with more challenges, we have to be much stronger than this challenges as life taught me.

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