Learning how to create a support system was one of the most important things I did as I worked through my early years of depression. It isn't something my family of origin taught me ... they have always been there but in a complicated enmeshed way. Figuring out what support really means to me (to give and receive) changed my life.
Thank you Georgia. Beautiful as always.❤️
You are so welcome Ian 😊
Learning how to create a support system was one of the most important things I did as I worked through my early years of depression. It isn't something my family of origin taught me ... they have always been there but in a complicated enmeshed way. Figuring out what support really means to me (to give and receive) changed my life.
I’m exactly the same Kathryn. I had to figure out what that support meant to me and learn to receive it. So very important.
Thank you for sharing your experience 💗